Friday, January 13, 2012


I was excited on my first day in Paris.  It was filled with new site, sounds, and smells.  I giddily skipped around taking everything in as I headed to my hotel.  A lopsided grin spread across my face anytime someone said anything in french.  As soon as I got to the hotel and walked into my room, I collapsed on my bed and went to sleep.
The next day I at a delicious breakfast and made sure to get ready before leaving.  I wandered the city I was in and again took in the sites.

"Where should I go today?" I muttered to myself.  After several hours of wandering around and seeing what there is to see, I spotted a cute cafe and quickly took a seat.  I ordered my food, and as I waited, I watched a woman with two kids.  She was walking one in a stroller and holding the hand of the other.  The woman had a genuine smile on her face as she pointed things out to her children asking them what it was.  I smiled in content and leaned back basking in the sun.

A young man came over to my table and placed down my order before swiftly moving on to the next customer.  Paris was where I tasted the most amazing and fresh french bread with homemade creamy potato soup.  The food was delicious and filling.  Once I was done eating and drinking a glass of water, I decided it would be good to find a park and draw.  I wandered awhile, but finally came across one.  I sat on the park bench and took out a pad of paper, pencils, and a eraser.

After drawing and sketching people for awhile, I noticed it was getting dark, so with little trouble, I headed back to the hotel.  The next morning I window-shopped.  Paris was where I bought a beautiful Fleur necklace that hang to my collarbone.

Feeling happy about my purchase, I once again sat at the little cafe and ordered my food.  The man next to me was old and very cute.  He invited me over to his table where we chatted long after we paid for our meals.  He told me about his family and asked about mine.  We talked about just about everything we could think of.  Eventually we parted ways.

Wandering paris was a nice and carefree way to view it.  It gleamed in the daylight and glowed at night.  Paris was truly magical.  Every morning for the next six days, I would go to the cafe and then go where ever my feet took me.  Sometimes I was shopping, other times I was chatting with a few locals or even a few tourists.

Paris was where I learned to just be carefree, live day to day, and to not worry about how the future will play out.  It was a beautiful, creative, and romantic place.  I enjoyed being there and seeing, smelling, tasting and hearing new things everyday.

~Silver Sun

Monday, January 9, 2012

If You Really Knew Me

If you really knew me, you'd know that i'm terrified to speak in front of a class.  That my lip trembles, my voice waivers, my face flushes and when I sit down I breathe out in relief.

You'd know that I become angry to hide my sensitivity.

You'd know that I try too hard to be liked and want to be someone else.

If you really knew me, you'd know I am nervous introducing things to my friends and family because I'm afraid of being mocked.

You'd know that I don't trust easily because i'm scared of being hurt.

That I can't even dance in my own room by myself because I feel stupid.

You'd know that I still love cartoons and still watch them even though I am almost 18.

If you really knew me, you'd know that I live on consistency and i'm afraid of change.  That moving on both interests me and scares me to death.

You'd know that I hate fish yet love sushi and yet hate raw fish.

You'd know that I am full of likes and dislikes that contradict each other.

You'd know that I still want to Build-A-Bear and want to be young forever.

If you really knew me, you'd know that I hat my elementary years and am secretly jealous of my siblings.

That I'm even slightly jealous of my nieces for getting my parents attention and getting spoiled.

You'd know that i'm a very boring person.

You'd know that I like to pretend that I am a make-up guru or a culinary chief with my own show.  That I love to pretend that I'm something i'm not.

You'd know that I love chocolate and ate a 5 pound chocolate bar by myself in a matter of days.

You'd know that I have a short attention span when I see a cat.

If you really knew me, you'd  know that I talk to myself on a regular basis. That I make up random song on the spot.

You'd know that I tend to cry or get angry over other peoples problems.  That I stick my nose into places that it doesn't belong.

If you really knew me, you'd know this is where I end this poem before it gets too personal.

~Silver Sun



Lisel Mueller

This poem is about Sleeping Beauty and how when time was frozen, it still goes on just like it normally would have.   

It's a very interesting poem and has a lot of great visual.  It talks about even the smallest detail like a fly goes about his normal life.  
Some of the lines express that long awaited task that is completed.  

At the beginning it talks about how life is stopped and it's very interesting to read how nobody is even confused or that they don't even rub their eyes from tiredness.

This poem is not only a great visual, it also has a great story that it seems to complete.

~Silver Sun